Archive | August 2008

New Memories…

3 years ago today my dad went to be with Jesus. I am thankful he is with the Him, but I miss my dad. So in honor of his memory, and because God is so good, I make new memories on this day. It is what my dad would have wanted, and the Lord meets me in it.

Making new memories came to me from another friend and her experiences. It helped to have something to look forward to that 1st year. So for the 1st year I took the day off from work, and went out with a friend. We toured the town of Waxhaw (so cute!) and had lunch. That night Jimbo gave me a pot of Mums, and other presents. 🙂 The following year we bought a better car to drive Ahren around in, and we traveled up to NY. At 3 months old this was Ahren’s 1st road trip, and he had a lot of relatives to meet.

Today we went to Matthews, NC where Aunt Jane and some cousins live so Ahren could see his 1st parade; then we went back to Aunt Jane’s to have a nice afternoon visit. Ahren loves to play at Aunt Janes! After that we went to a friends house to celebrate her son’s 1st birthday, and Ahren played hard some more. It was a fun, full day.

In fact the past week has been a good week. The Lord is doing a new thing in our lives. The winds of change are blowing!!! Let’s see what will happen!

I keep remembering a phrase from The Chronicles of Narnia: “Aslan is on the move!”


Ahren in the Rain

Ahren in the Rain

It rained today!!! I woke up early this morning to the rain pounding on the window. Thank you Lord!!! I have been waiting for this rain for so long.  We have had enough rain to almost get the lake back to level and to lessen the drought status some, but it was still not enough.

I have felt that the lack of rain in the natural was a reflection of the lack of spiritual rain. In the midst of a great blessing in my life, the birth of my son Ahren, was the greatest test so far of entrusting myself, my heart, my desires…all of me to the Lord. I was in a spiritual drought.

I feel like this is the turning point. I called a friend to make sure she had the abundance of rain falling over her home. The phrase abundance of rain reminded her of the Carman song Abundance of Rain. Here is a little bit from the song:

Lately I’ve been feeling dry as a bone, like the Holy Spirit has
found a new home,
Yet, by faith, I still can see the cloud of glory that’s been so
familiar to me,
My spirit’s been dry and barren to rain,
Yet I hear the sound of the abundance of rain,
I’m hoping and a-trusting the drought will soon end, and the living
water will bubble again,
Well, I feel a rumble, I hear a crash, telling me the answer’s on the
way here at last,
I’m waiting for revival, soon to begin,
Yet I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.

I have been feeling for quite a while that change is coming, but it has been especially strong lately. In reflecting back to other times of change in my life I am reminded of how the Lord has carried me through. I do not know what is about to occur, but I know He will guide us through it.

I have set my heart to seek the Lord on all of this. (Even now the rain is starting back up again!!!! Pour down on us Lord!!!) I wonder what He is doing. It is significant to me also that 3 years ago this Saturday, my dad went to be with the Lord.

Papa, what is this new thing You are doing?

Pressing Through

Today I had to press through to pray for what really needed to be prayed for. I was successful too, thanks to my Jesus and a friend calling at just the right time. The Lord is so good that way. I am so very glad it is not just coincidence; it’s Jesus!!

I want to say that I am going back to a place I was with the Lord, but it is so much more than that. I feel like I am going back to that place in the midst of going into a deeper place. I pray I never look at it casually when this happens. I love going deeper in the Lord. I love getting closer to Him with freedom, and none of the constraints that would liked to be strapped to me.

There is so much legalism that I have let go of, the old arguments going through my brain are gone; it’s just stopping, waiting, listening and moving forward.  Sometimes the old legalism wants to come back, new despair wants to set in…then comes my Comforter. Then I can move forward in the prayers He guides me in.

Thank you, Papa.

My First Blog

It’s time to step out and do something new…so here I am with my first blog. I feel better about this already. 🙂

Today I let Ahren help me re-pot my growing gardenia. It has rooted nicely, and needed a bigger home. I knew Ahren would get dirty, but I also knew he would love playing in the dirt. So I let him help in his own way. He stayed occupied with putting handfuls of soil in the plants that did not need any, and then playing in the wet soil after I watered them. It was very cute, and he had a lot of fun. As I was washing our hands off I began wishing for our own home with our own dirt for Ahren to play in. I know the Lord has one for us, and I am going to keep seeking Him for one.